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Waste Solutions

Sustainable Waste Solutions

Discover new ways to improve your waste diversion

The scale of human-generated waste is increasing, risking potential ecosystem collapse. The hospitality and tourism industry has a responsibility to understand their contribution to waste generation and focus on sustainable waste management. Companies can also find business opportunities in building nature-positive operations and reducing environmental waste impact. 

At Aspecture Global, we provide advanced integrated waste management practices to our hospitality customers. With expert oversight and cutting-edge waste-reducing technologies, we identify and monetize specific waste streams, leveraging tailored strategies for customized sustainable solutions.

waste management

What to Expect

Waste Computation

We offer comprehensive site assessments and waste stream audits to help you accurately measure your waste impact, identify areas for improvement, and discover waste diversion options. Our preferred strategies focus on diverting waste from landfills through source reduction, waste-to-energy solutions, recycling, and reuse. With our approach, we promote a zero-landfill waste environment.

Waste Management 

We offer customized waste management solutions tailored to your business needs, budget and sustainability goals. Our team will analyze your waste index, create a tailored plan and develop a comprehensive waste management policy. Our policy outlines daily operations and efficient procedures to minimize your environmental impact, reduce waste generation and ensure compliance. Let us help you handle waste materials and mitigate unnecessary liability.

Tracking System

Our team offers expert monitoring, tracking and reporting services to help you achieve your waste and recycling management goals. With our diligent approach, we ensure that you make effective progress towards your targeted diversion rate. 

Yellow Tin Wall

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